Rich Grinham's Top 5 Safety Tips for Managing Contractors

WSP Engineering’s Senior HSE Manager shares Safety Tips for Managing Contractors

Richard Grinham Senior HSE Manager WSP Engineering

Protecting your investment and starting in the right direction are crucial to successfully delivering your next food factory, engineering site or project that requires contractor expertise. 

Today, we are sharing WSP Engineering’s Senior HSE Manager, Rich Grinham’s Top 5 Safety Tips for Managing Contractors, that will save you money, time, effort and in the end, a large headache!


Effective and collaborative planning is vital for effectively and safely delivering any significant project.

Taking time to assess and discuss the project scope with your client will enable you to build an accurate plan ensuring you have the right people at the right time delivering the highest standards possible.

Time invested in the planning phase of a project will pay for itself multiple times over during the implementation phase.


Sourcing competent contractors with the right behavioural attitude to health and safety are crucial to de-risking your project.

I will always look to protect the client’s investment by taking the time to engage with reliable contractors, ensuring they fit into WSP’s SKATE process. This process assesses their Skills, Knowledge, Attitude, Training and Experience.

Engaging with potential contractors and having a robust safety assessment process will save you time and significantly reduce risks for all parties involved.


The time invested in planning a project and sourcing the right contractors will be wasted without effective engagement with key stakeholders at all levels.

As an HSE manager, I am proactive in engaging all parties on not just the “how” but the “why” health and safety is important, ensuring it is high on every meeting agenda.

Understanding who you need to engage and at what stage is a crucial part of a project’s planning phase. Backing this up with effective engagement and an ability to listen to others allows for great conversations about safety to take place.

This takes me nicely onto my next safety tip for managing contractors….


Communication is fundamental to creating a positive safety culture on your site.

Sharing knowledge, plans, and ways of working with everyone onsite will build a positive culture and attitude toward health and safety, bringing people together as one winning team.

I will focus on ensuring everyone receives clear and consistent communication throughout the duration of a project.

Remember to be consistent, whether it’s the first shovel going into the ground, or the final sign-off with the client, health and safety is important at every stage of a project.


Your personal brand and integrity will underpin the health and safety culture on a site.

This is even more important with managing contractors, some of whom you may not have worked with before.

Your behaviours and values need to shine through in everything you do and are vital to building a positive health and safety culture throughout a project.

Being self-aware and maintaining my integrity has saved me many headaches over the years.

Thanks for taking the time to read Rich Grinham’s Top 5 Safety Tips for Managing Contractors.

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