Who We Are

Founded in 2018, we provide effective project management, expert engineering, robust operations and meaningful innovation to some of the biggest brands in the UK.

Specialising in the FMCG sector covering civils, services, process, packing and warehousing, our team have extensive experience in engineering, safety, business improvement and end to end project management. Our expertise in engineering, maintenance and manufacturing gives us a key understanding of the clients requirements.

Our clients include some of the biggest household names in the UK, and our flexible expert team can work on any size project, from small works to multi-million pound CAPex investments. 

Operating flexibly and efficiently has never been more critical in the ever-changing world we operate in. We are industry leaders in delivering value-led business improvement and engineering solutions.  

We are committed to exceeding your project’s expectations. Our approach is focused on teamwork and collaboration, ensuring you benefit from our team’s depth and range of knowledge and expertise.


We believe collaboration improves the way your team works together and problem-solves. This leads to more innovation, efficient processes, increased success, and improved communication.


We believe people make the difference in every organisation, from generating ideas and problem solving to building sustainable relationships and cultures.


Innovation fosters growth and is crucial to adapting and overcoming the challenges and changes of the modern world.


With extensive experience across all FMCG categories, whatever the question, someone in our team will always have the answer!


Being agile empowers us to innovate and satisfy our customers’ changing needs and desires.

Our Approach

01. Scope

From initial contact, we will seek to fully understand our client’s requirements to enable us to propose the right service and solution every time.

02. Planning

Our experienced team of managers will work with you to properly plan a job whether it be a capital project, CDM management or machinery safety assessment.

03. Preparation

Prior to starting work on site we will ensure that everything is in place. Detailed preparation means that projects can be delivered safely, on time and to budget.

04. Execution

We pride ourselves on our ability to safely manage the execution and implementation of client work. Our managers and engineers are highly skilled to ensure client engineering & operational needs are met.

05. Review

We believe in continuous learning which is why we always review a job with the client. Taking positive lessons and opportunities to improve from previous jobs is what makes us better every time.

Mission Statement

Create and deliver an unrivalled engineering service to the FMCG industry promoting innovation and sustainability

Company Values

Focus on Growth

We deliver best value to our customers through quality, innovation and service

Accountability & Responsibility

We act with integrity and respect in all that we do

Developing our Teams

We value our employees and help them grow through continual development 

 Action and Delivery

We take action to do the right thing


We are continuously reinvesting into the learning and development of our team, ensuring that they have the right skills and knowledge for their role.

We are health and safety experts and, as expected, are always working to the most up to date industry standards.

Our robust operating model and ways of working ensure that any projects we undertake are completed safely for our staff and our clients.

We are proud of the diverse and talented team at WSP Engineering, and we believe the best people are critical to a project’s success and our workplace culture.

We are always on the lookout for talented individuals operating in the world of engineering, health and safety and project management.